As we settle into the new normal of protecting ourselves and our loved ones from COVID-19, there is still some hesitancy when it comes to the workplace. Infection and cross-contamination are still somewhat frightening in our day-to-day lives.
Here at Baxter Restoration, we want to help you tackle the pandemic when it comes to COVID at work. Continue reading to see how to stay informed and as prepared as possible.
Information is Key!
Staying up to date with the latest data about COVID-19 is crucial in order to combat COVID at work appropriately. Make sure all employees have the newest information from the CDC. The website for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is updated on a daily basis. Keeping you and your team informed is key! Keep open communication, whether by phone, email, or zoom meetings, about what is expected in the office regarding COVID-19 safety protocols.
Designate a Cleaning Schedule
One of the most important things employers can do is to designate a cleaning schedule. Cleanings should be before and after each shift, to ensure that germs are minimized. Helpful reminders may be placed in the elevators, reminding people to stay as far apart from one another as possible. Another helpful tip is to place posters in the bathroom on correct hand washing. Hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds. Keeping hand sanitizers readily available will also help to prevent COVID at work. Make sure hand sanitizers contain a minimum of 60% alcohol to be effective. Donโt forget to wipe down high contact areas, such as doorknobs and telephones with a disinfectant wipe.
Wear Proper PPE to Prevent COVID at Work
Everyone should be keeping the rules when it comes to using personal protective equipment (PPE) in the workplace. Wearing a mask is highly recommended by the CDC to protect not only yourself, but others as well. Masks should be worn in addition to keeping a distance of at least six feet. Proper usage of a mask is critical (masks should be worn over both nose and mouth) to prevent COVID at work.
Limit COVID-19 Risks in the Workplace
Seating arrangements should be modified in offices, lobbies, conference rooms, break rooms, or any other area with shared space and high-volume traffic. Requiring appointments ahead of time (if it is possible in your industry), will help keep the number of people present down to a minimum. Consider using one door for entry, and another door for the exit. Plexiglass shields have become a critical part in establishing social distance regulations. Things such as phone keys, key pads, elevator buttons, etc. can be covered by a clear disposable film. This can be replaced regularly to prevent COVID at work to the best of your ability.
When Someone Tests Positive for COVID at Work
If you are informed that someone has tested positive for COVID-19, immediately clean their work station. Contact all employees that have been in contact with the employee who contracted COVID-19. It is wise to quarantine until all employees who have been exposed to the Coronavirus be tested before maintaining regular operation. If anyone shows any symptoms of COVID-19, encourage them to contact their supervisor and stay home until they have tested negative for COVID. Symptoms include but are not limited to: headache, fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. If an employee becomes ill, do not wait for a negative test to send them home.
Hire a Certified Biohazard Team
If your facility is in need of a biohazard cleaning during this pandemic, please hire a professional. Attempting to clean up COVID-19 by yourself will expose you to the virus or dangerous chemicals. Baxter Restoration is here to assist in the cleanup of the Coronavirus. Our certified Biohazard Cleanup Crew is available 24/7 for both commercial facilities and residential properties.
Call our qualified and trained team to properly contain and decontaminate airborne pathogens such as COVID-19.